My Battle


 I was an ex patient of Major Depression. Having been through with the process and recover fromit wasn't as easy as it sound. Rebuilding my life after the episode is great cause I haven't step out to the society yet at that time.

Most of the time I am happy and content with my life and because there isn't anyone around me that know about my condition there isn't a need to care about how other look at me. But there is the downside about it too. I could find someone where I could talk to even to my parents due to the fact that I hid my condition even when I underwent treatment and therapy. 

Recently I relapsed. To be honest, I myself don't know that I had relapsed.
I am content with my current lifestyle. Nothing stress me out. No reason. 

Someone ask me how does it feel when you are depressed. There is no accurate answer as it differ with each person and there is time where you'll feel different everyday. 

With me I feel like I am losing my sanity.

Socially I was an addict and maniac. I love to social with people even with stranger. No matter who there are or where they from. However, I find myself unable to maintain the conversation or even finding pleasure and joy in social activities. It suddenly become a hassle.

Then it took away the things I love and interested in. I love watching drama, anime and also playing games. As well as binge reading novel and other books. Depression took away the pleasure that I have in all of my hobbies except books. It suddenly become so empty. I could maintain my focus on anything. Even if the drama is just a 40 min show.

The worst is yet to come. I am someone with a good EQ. I could control myself not to burst out or lash out on someone even when they are targeting me. But nowadays, there is just so much emotion. It's like a emotional rollercoaster. In a day I could feel happy, sad, frustrated, empty and sometimes miserable. If I am a normal people going through break up or death of my closed relative or friend, it would be temporary. But I'm not.

The worst thing for me is that my thinking process is so slow that a problem which I would take a few minutes to solve the question that I could just *snap* *snap* and done. Due to my job that require me to have a quick thinking and respond, it really does eats me away. I feel stupid and irritated for not being able to do something so easy. The hard time to concentrate and focus. Find it hard to memorize something.

Been to the therapist yesterday and we did a walk through of my life these few years to determine when did I actually had my relapsed. And it seems it has been a few years. To be precise it was when I started my college. At the end of first semester of my college life.

I was doing great at that time. But just before the end of the semester, after we finished our exam. There is a rumor spread that I told the administrator that the class of mine cheated on a certain subject. Most of my classmate talk behind me and some of them even condemned me. As for me I was oblivious of it but a roommate of mine brought the topic to me. It was a huge blow for me at that time.

Because I didn't do it and I work so hard on it. I played it down and after a few days I totally forgot about it. Now that I think back, no wonder I skip classes and the lecture. Feeling sad and guilty and didn't try to explain.

To be honest, I was quite shocked whn my therapist told me what might trigger my depression. I mean I had the time of my life at that point. I had all my friends and there is no problem with how I carry myself. It just that it never occurs to me that I would have my relapsed due to someone words or action. I've always see myself as a strong woman. Someone who had been through the struggle of battling with myself for the past few years before my relapse.

My past depression isn't the same as the current depression I face. It's so different that I didn't take notice of it.

Now a new war started. And I'm trying to feel better. Wish me luck.

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